My Theme for 2004: Live Each Day as a Precious Gift

February 2004

At the beginning of each year, I sit down to think about what I learned during the past year, and what I would like to bring into my life for the coming year. It always amazes me how when I set intentions and themes for the year, lessons that support those show up in my work and personal life. Last year’s theme (“Commitment to my true self.”) was helpful in keeping me focused on finding my own voice, speaking up more about what I want and like, and really listening to my inner wisdom.

This year, my theme is “Live each day as a precious gift.” I chose this theme because I know this year is going to be full of both professional and personal challenges, as I manage my growing coaching practice, as well as oversee the construction of our new home. My coaching and facilitation work is very exciting to me, and it is easy for me to get caught up in working long hours and weekends (especially in the winter, when it is 20 degrees outside). I don’t want to lose sight of why I enjoy my work so much: that every hour I get to spend with a client is a precious gift and an opportunity to support you in realizing your professional dreams and goals. That keeps me focused and fresh.

I want to wake up every day filled with the wonder of a new day, and all the possibilities that it holds. I want to nurture and care for myself, while living each day in gratitude and grace. This year, one of my intentions is to be good to myself, and take time each day to reflect on all I have, what I need, and how I can honor God in my actions and attitudes. I want to laugh heartily each day, and find joy in all things.

I hope that this year you will join me in embracing and living every moment and every day as precious gifts. Thank you for the privilege of sharing your professional journey.

Sharon Keys Seal

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