What I Believe

June 2012

Recently, I celebrated the 17th anniversary of my coaching practice. In reflecting back over the years, I am so grateful for the many amazing clients that have invited me to walk alongside them in their professional journey. I’ve served hundreds of clients from myriad organizations in the private sector, non-profit arena and government agencies. In the process, I have learned much about myself, what I believe, and how I view the world. These beliefs have also shaped me as a coach. Here’s a list of just some of what I’ve come to believe, in no particular order:

  1. I must be curious, pay attention and show up as a learner to fully experience life and its lessons.
  2. The best of intentions can be derailed by poor communication.
  3. My instincts are usually a better guide than logic alone.
  4. Love is infinite, enduring, and powerful.
  5. Healthy relationships take time, energy, vulnerability, and courage.
  6. It is the small things in life that make it meaningful and rich.
  7. Laughter is essential to my well-being.
  8. Truly relaxing and being present in the moment is an art form.
  9. What I focus on determines how I grow.
  10. Life is too short not to do what I love.

What are some beliefs that you hold, whether about yourself or the world? How do those color how you show up at work? In what way do your beliefs serve you, or not? If you would like to explore any of these questions, I would be happy to talk with you. Meanwhile, have a wonderful month.

Warm regards,

Sharon Keys Seal

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