Tag Archives: 2012

Web of Gratitude

December 2012

The other day in my quiet time, I was thinking back over this year. I wrote down some of the things I am most grateful for, and filled an entire page in just a few minutes. As the list grew, I noticed that most of the blessings on it involved my family, friends and clients. It made me realize how interconnected we all are, and that celebrating others’ successes in life can be as powerful as experiencing our own.

My list includes the miraculous and the mundane. Improved health, business growth, fresh insights, unexpected love, new homes, and fulfilling relationships were on my list of others’ blessings that brought me joy. My own blessings included having one of my sons and his fiancĂ© move to Baltimore; spending Thanksgiving with both my sons (for the first time in ten years); teaching and mentoring wonderful students in Georgetown’s Leadership Coaching Program; coaching all my amazing clients; enjoying good health; spending time with loving friends and family; and being with my Mom during her illness and at her passing. It is as if a beautiful web of gratitude holds all of my blessings and those in my life, and knits us together at an even deeper level than I ever realized. Of course, life is not always about the good stuff. Sharing in others’ challenges and heartaches also bonds us together. It humbles me to be invited to walk alongside my clients and friends as they tackle life’s tough times. Such sharing is yet another thing I am grateful for in my work and my life.

As you reflect on your year, what are you most grateful for, and why? What do you notice about your list of blessings, and what it tells you about your own life, work and values? How will you acknowledge and honor all the many blessings that this year has held for you? If I can support you, or anyone you know, in exploring any of these questions, please call.

My you have a holiday season filled with love and myriad opportunities to give, receive, and share abundant blessings.

Warm regards,

Sharon Keys Seal