January 2002
As you know, every year I pick a theme that I want my life to reflect, both professionally and personally. This year, my theme is “Embracing change, while expanding trust and love.”
As I look ahead to the New Year, there are many changes that will be occurring in my life that I know about (not to mention those surprises that always happen in life). My coaching practice is growing and evolving, and I want to pay particular attention to how I can better serve my clients, while encouraging and strengthening them in their work. I want to understand and embrace the changes that are taking place in the workplace, both on a macro and micro-level. I am working on plans to upgrade my website, hire a virtual assistant, and do more corporate work.
Inherent in embracing change is the notion of risk-taking. One of my intentions is to risk being myself in all ways and in all places and with all people. I’m a very accomplished “people pleaser” and sometimes just being Sharon feels risky and vulnerable. But it is what I aim to do more and more of this year. I want to trust myself more, my instincts and my wisdom and my inner voice. This will help me to be a better coach, as well as give more depth and richness to my personal relationships. And, I think I’ll have a lot more fun.
Change is also looming on the horizon of my personal life. I will be moving out of my home of 18 years in early summer. My relationship with my beau is evolving. My younger son will be going away to college in September (keep your fingers crossed for University of Texas to accept him!). My older son is looking for a summer job in another city, and for the first time I won’t be able to spend all summer with him home. I don’t view these bittersweet changes as loss, but rather the natural next steps in my life and my sons’ lives. But they involve trust and risks and lots of love.
I hope that in the coming weeks, you will consider a theme for your year. I wish you a year filled with inner peace, rich relationships, and much joy. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life.
Warm regards,
Sharon Keys Seal