Welcome 2020! My theme for this new year is “Live Large, Learn Lots, Love Life!” It captures how I want to enter this new decade, a year full of possibilities, challenges, and hope.
“Live Large” means I want to embrace more opportunities, and not play small. It means doing things that are outside of my comfort zone, show up more fully, and be open to a wider range of emotions. Most of all, I intend to be lavish with my love, energy and time with those in my life. The 13th-century Persian poet Rumi perhaps said it best: “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”
“Learn Lots” means to actively lean into opening my mind and heart with not just books, but also experiences, observations, and deep conversations. My incredibly smart clients teach me so much, and I aspire to learn from people who challenge me to take more risks and think in new ways. I will take the time to reflect on my learning each day, by journaling and/or sharing what I am learning. Again, wise words from the mystic Rumi: “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”
“Love Life” reflects my belief that each day is a gift to be welcomed with curiosity, awe, and gratitude. Last year I was dealing with a pernicious health issue with my lungs, which is now resolved (for good, I hope). That experience underscored how fragile life is and the importance of counting each day, each breath, as a blessing. If I follow Rumi’s advice “Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love” I will go a long way in loving life even more fully.
While last year had significant difficulties on the physical front, there was much to be thankful for. Best of all, I became a grandmother in August. Our precious baby girl Austin has stolen my heart and filled our lives with incredible joy, laughter, wonder, and love. May 2020 bring you blessings in many guises. If I can support you in any way to develop and live into your own personal theme for this year, please ask.
Warm regards,
Sharon Keys Seal