My Theme for 2003: Commmitment to My True Self

January 2003

As most of you know, every January I like to articulate a “theme” for my year, something that keeps me focused as the year unfolds. Last year’s theme was “Embracing change, while expanding trust and love.” And, there certainly was abundant opportunity for me to embrace change in 2002, in my physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational worlds. It was a year that stretched me in so many ways to truly trust in God, and replace fear with love. A year of many changes and new situations (some of which I would not want to repeat), but yet am so thankful for having experienced.

In thinking about 2003 and who I want to be (or become), the idea of aligning my actions with my true desires, and my true self, kept surfacing. What would it look like for me to live out my intentions, and not just think about them or write about them? What would that take? Assuming I articulate my deepest desires (and that alone is still a work in progress, that plumbing to the core of my self to discover..what is it I truly believe, want, dream of, stand for?), it would take a commitment to then not just doing something, but (and perhaps more importantly) being.

So my 2003 theme seems to have taken shape to be “Commitment to my true self.” While this sounds pretty simple, the challenge of this (especially for a “pleaser” such as myself) is quite daunting. I think of myself as a very loyal, and generally committed, friend, mother, daughter, coach. Now, I want to commit to myself, to finding my own truth, and to expressing that more fully in my thoughts, actions, and way of being in the world and in my work. Perhaps I can bring the fruit of my journey to our work together; that is certainly one of my desires, to serve each of you in 2003 with greater passion, integrity, and clarity.

Thank you for allowing me to be in your life in 2002, and warmest wishes for a new year filled with peace, joy, and true happiness.

Sharon Keys Seal

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