July 2007
You might have noticed that this letter is dated the 5th and not the 1st. I confess to spending most of the first day of this month outside by the pool, reading an interesting and inspiring book lent to me by a client (it was, after all, a Sunday). I’m finally learning to relax a bit on some things, such as when this letter goes out. It dawned on me that there is no rule that says it must go out on the first day of the month. We also have dear friends from North Carolina with us this week, and I’ve enjoyed just relaxing with them and relishing the happy memories we are making together.
Thomas Merton once wrote: “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.” My goal is to have a life of balance and harmony. I work hard, and play hard. My standards about such things as how I treat clients, how I run my business, and how I refresh myself in mind and body and spirit all contribute to the harmony I seek in my coaching work. I try to imbue my life and work with a sense of order, while also paying attention to the rhythm of work and play.
As President of Coaching Concepts, I always strive for excellence in anything having to do with my clients’ experience. I try to focus on what really matters. At the same time, I keep things in perspective. (I doubt you lost much sleep this week, wondering where your Musings letter from me could be.) My belief is that being a coach who is living a balanced life where rhythm and harmony are important, brings more energy and creativity to our work. If living a life of greater harmony and balance is something that I can support you in, please ask. Summer is an opportune time to examine how you are doing in these areas.
Sharon Keys Seal