Discovering That Within Us

March 2007

A while back, a colleague asked me how I come up with ideas for this monthly “Musings” letter.  Since this missive is the only time I really share what is going on in my own life (professional and, on occasion, personal), my own experiences often provide the topic.  I also enjoy reflecting on business issues that I am seeing in the workplace, such as challenges, attitudes, and trends.  Often an article, radio show, or book will spark an idea that I express in my Musings.  Quotations are one of my favorite springboards to catapult me into thinking out loud in these letters. 

The quote I’ve been pondering lately is from Galileo Galilei, the Italian physicist and astronomer:  “You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself.”  This is the stance that much of my coaching comes from.  As I started to write my usual few paragraphs reflecting on this perspective, I began a list of the ways we can discover that which is already within us (the “it” referred to in my list, whatever that might be for you in any particular situation).  So, instead of “teaching” I thought I would just share my list with you.  It is very much free-form; I encourage you to add your own ideas and thoughts. 

Through reflection Accepting yourself
In quiet Trusting yourself
Using imagination Valuing who you are
Having others as a mirror for you Giving yourself permission
Awareness of self Having a learner’s mind
Finding ways to express it Through awareness of others
Putting language to it Embracing all of whom you are
Finding opportunity to use it Knowing your purpose in life
Getting feedback from others Trusting your inner wisdom
Taking risks Listening to your body
Honoring yourself

Being honest with yourself

What do you realize about yourself as you read this list?  How else do you discover that within yourself that you already know?  If I can support you in this exploration, please ask.  I’d be happy to help in your discovery process.

Sharon Keys Seal

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