Small Actions, Big Impact

July 2003

This past month, my schedule has seemed unusually hectic (especially for the summer), the pace definitely fast. I’ve been blessed with a good amount of stimulating work and challenging clients. Throughout such times, I am very much aware of the importance of maintaining my high standards regarding client service, accessibility, and responsiveness. While I’m far from perfect, I always try to under promise and over deliver.

One thing that I see in both my own business, and my clients’ businesses, is the importance of seemingly small actions. Vince Lombardi once said “Inches make a champion.” While very true in football, I think his observation also applies in business, and in life in general. Those I see succeeding are often the ones who show up faithfully (sometimes the toughest, but invariably the most important part), always do their best, and are willing to give a bit more effort than the rest of the crowd. They are the steady workers, who stay focused, and diligently work towards the goals that support their plan or vision. They are generally built for distance, not necessarily for speed.

Champions have daily habits that keep them moving toward success. They confront big challenges by breaking them into discrete and manageable pieces, then address those in a focused and appropriate manner. Just this week, I achieved a personal goal that took me 11 weeks, and along the way I added a number of valuable habits to my daily activities that will serve me for many years. Every step of this achievement was slow and small, but I was measuring success by the inch (in this case, literally, as it was a Weight Watchers goal I achieved).

As you look at your work and your life, what are the small actions you are taking that move you towards success? If you could improve your learning, effort, and/or performance by just 1%, how would that impact your world? I encourage you to spend some time this month considering these questions. Have a great month.

Sharon Keys Seal

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