Attitude of Gratitude

Around this time every year, I step back and reflect on all that I am grateful for in my life. In a culture where we are constantly bombarded with “news” that is often troubling, terrible or downright terrifying, it helps me to remind myself of all the good in this world. So, here is a very short list (in no particular order) of some of the things I am grateful for this year:

  • my lively family that I love beyond measure
  • my imperfections, foibles and mistakes that remind me to stay humble and a learner
  • how my beau Jim greets me with a big smile every day when he gets home
  • the wisdom and love that my friends share with me
  • the way the moon lights up the water on our little bay
  • the privilege of work with amazing, smart and talented clients
  • our beautiful country and all the freedoms we enjoy
  • the way my dog Harley loves me unconditionally
  • a delicious latte made with freshly-ground coffee beans
  • my protégé Briana, who is smart and spirited
  • my nutritionist, masseuse, esthetician, and personal trainer
  • kind words from strangers, right when I seem to need to hear them
  • my new laptop computer (and Jim’s generous help in setting it up)
  • the trips I have made this year that have been so refreshing and fun
  • laughing with my two sons, who totally share my sense of humor
  • cooking on a lazy Sunday afternoon, with football on in the background
  • feeling stronger after pushing myself at the gym
  • curling up with a good book, cup of tea, and Harley in my lap
  • exploring coaching concepts with colleagues over coffee (or wine)
  • memories of my parents and all they taught me about life and love

Inspired by a conversation with a friend, each night when I go to bed I think of all the people, events and experiences I am grateful for that day. Even on a bad day, my list is long. Gratitude is truly an attitude. Life changes when we come to it with appreciation for all that we are, have, and do. What are you grateful for in your life and work? May your life be filled with blessings this holiday season and beyond.

Warm regards,
Sharon Keys Seal

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